/* 自定義代碼塊樣式 */

2020年6月19日 星期五

使用 VB 透過 SCPI 控制儀器設備


SCPI (Standard Command for Programmable Instrumentation)可程式化儀器標準語言,是透過ASCII語法來與儀器做溝通


網站中有三套軟體,IO Libraries Suite是最主要的驅動,會安裝VisaComLib這個Library,主要是透過這個Library跟儀器做溝通的,所以至少要安裝這套軟體

在VB6中,要使用VisaComLib時,需要先引用它,所以要到 [專案] --> [設定引用項目] 中,選取 [VISA-COM 5.12 Type Library] 後才能開始寫應用程式


 '--- General define ---
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 'declare to use "sleep"
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Dim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488

'--- function define ---
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManagerDim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Dim sndBuffer As String
Dim rcvBuffer As String
Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set instrument = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("USB0::10893::4865::MY59022278::0::INSTR")
instrument.SetBufferSize IO_IN_AND_OUT_BUFS, 64

*IDN?是所有儀器通用的命令,透過這個指令來查詢儀器的 ID。儀器通常會回傳製造商名稱、儀器型號,以及製造商提供的韌體版本英數字元
instrument.WriteString "*IDN?"
Debug.Print instrument.ReadString
' Volt
    status = commSend(instrument, "SENSe:VOLTage:DC:NULL:VALue:AUTO 1")
    status = commSend(instrument, "CONFigure:VOLTage:DC 10,0.001")        ' mV resolution
    status = commSend(instrument, "SAMPle:COUNt 1")
    status = commSend(instrument, "*WAI")
    rcvBuffer = commQuery(instrument, "READ?")
' Current
    status = commSend(instrument, "SENSe:CURRent:DC:NULL:VALue:AUTO 1")
    status = commSend(instrument, "CONFigure:CURRent:DC 1E-6")        
    status = commSend(instrument, "CURRent:DC:RES 1E-6")                        ' uA resolution
    status = commSend(instrument, "SAMPle:COUNt 1")
    status = commSend(instrument, "*WAI")
    rcvBuffer = commQuery(instrument, "READ?")
' R&S RTM3004 波形平均值
    instrument.WriteString "TRIGger:A:EDGE:SLOpe NEGative"
    instrument.WriteString "MEASurement1:SOURce CH2"
    instrument.WriteString "MEASurement1:MAIN MEAN"
    instrument.WriteString "MEASurement1:RESult? MEAN"
'Measure rise time 
    instrument.WriteString "TRIGger:A:EDGE:SLOpe NEGative"
    instrument.WriteString "MEASurement1:SOURce CH2"
    instrument.WriteString "REFLevel:RELative:MODE TEN"		' 10% - 90%
    instrument.WriteString "MEASurement1:MAIN RTIMe"
    instrument.WriteString "MEASurement1:RESult?"  
' Wave RAW data
    instrument.WriteString "TRIGger:A:MODE NORMal"           ' Normal trigger
    instrument.WriteString "TRIGger:A:EDGE:SLOpe NEGative"      ' Negative edge
    instrument.WriteString "FORM ASC"							  ' output format ASCii
    instrument.WriteString "FORM:BORD LSBF"
    instrument.WriteString "CHAN1:DATA:POIN DEF"
    instrument.WriteString "SINGle"                     ' Single trigger
    instrument.WriteString "CHANnel1:DATA:HEAD?"
    Debug.Print instrument.ReadString
    instrument.WriteString "CHANnel1:DATA?"
    Debug.Print instrument.ReadString
    Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("ASRL6::INSTR")  ' COM6
    Dim serInfc As VisaComLib.ISerial
    Set serInfc = instrument.IO
    serInfc.BaudRate = 9600                         ' 9600bps baud rate
    serInfc.FlowControl = ASRL_FLOW_NONE
    serInfc.Timeout = 10000
    instrument.IO.SendEndEnabled = True
    instrument.IO.TerminationCharacter = 10          ' could be 10 (line feed) or 13 (carriage return)
    instrument.IO.TerminationCharacterEnabled = True
    instrument.IO.Timeout = 10000
    Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("USB0::0x0AAD::0x01D6::104068::INSTR")
    instrument.SetBufferSize IO_IN_AND_OUT_BUFS, 64
    Set serInfc = instrument.IO
    Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("tcpip0::")        ' ip addr
    instrument.SetBufferSize IO_IN_AND_OUT_BUFS, 64
    Set serInfc = instrument.IO
Arduin 用的SCPI Library 有蠻多個 (Vrekrer_scpi_parser) (Open Instrument Control),下面範例是使用OIC的Library完成的


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